Communicating Student Learning (Report Cards)

Communicating student learning is a vital component of the learning process and fundamental to student success. This is an ongoing process throughout the school year that involves the teacher, the student, and the parent/guardian.

There are different ways in which families receive information about their child’s learning. Reporting is conducted in formal ways through written report cards and informal ways such as emails from teachers, and also student-led or parent teacher conferences. The information below outlines reporting and the ways of communicating student learning in Langley schools. To learn about the District’s shift to Student Inclusive Conferences, please see the section at the end of this webpage.

New Ministry Reporting Order – September 2023

Effective September 2023, the Ministry of Education has moved to a new K-12 Reporting Order. In the Langley School District, while we have already been implementing many of these changes over the last few years in anticipation of the new Reporting Order, there are still be some significant changes that impact students, staff, and families in Langley around Communicating Student Learning.

Below are useful documents that provide more information about the changes as well as resources and supports to help make the adjustment to these new realities:

How to use the Communicating Student Learning: Information for Parents and Caregivers

Communicating Student Learning: Information for Parents and Caregivers

K-12 Student Reporting Policy

Communications to Families Regarding Shifts in How We Communicate Student Learning

In September 2020, our Elementary and Middle schools shifted away from assigning letter grades on report cards. Teachers now use the Ministry Proficiency Scale as a component of communicating student learning with families.

This change in reporting practice can be seen across the province, as school districts work to better align themselves with the Ministry of Education’s reporting policy and with BC’s redesigned curriculum. We believe it is vital that Langley families receive meaningful information about their child’s learning. This shift will:

Research is clear that traditional letter grades signal the end of learning by suggesting that a particular subject is mastered or completed, but learning is a continuous process. The use of proficiency levels will allow teachers to share where a student is currently at in their learning and what their next steps in learning are. This model fosters a growth mindset for students, empowering confidence that our abilities will continue to develop with hard work, effort, and determination.

Proficiency levels, as seen below, describe student learning based on widely held expectations for the grade level and time of year. Proficiency levels and the language of ‘Emerging,’ ‘Developing,’ ‘Proficient,’ and ‘Extending’ will be used to describe student progress in all subject areas within a model of communicating student strengths, areas for growth, and ways to support learning at home and in their school. The Proficiency Scale used in Langley aligns with the Proficiency Scale described in the Draft Ministry Reporting Order. To explore competencies in BC’s Curriculum by grade and subject area, visit this webpage here.

Key Findings of Research:

Guiding Principles of Assessment in Langley

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For questions related to:

Student Inclusive Conferences

A student inclusive conference means that the student, the parent(s)/guardian(s), and the teacher will all participate in the dialogue around a student’s learning progress. There will be time dedicated at the conference for the student to share evidence of their learning in the term – samples, photos, portfolios etc. – and for all parties to discuss areas of strength and areas of growth. During the conference, the child, parent(s)/guardian(s), teacher will co-develop a goal for the next term of learning for the student and identify a plan for all parties to help support that goal. Some of our elementary schools have been piloting Student Inclusive Conferences. Elementary schools in Langley will begin transitioning to Student Inclusive Conference in September 2023. Watch this video below to learn the benefits of Student Inclusive Conferences for families from the perspective of a resource teacher in one of our schools. Watch this video below to get a sense of a Student Inclusive Conference in action: Helpful Guide to Student Inclusive Conferences This resource may be helpful for families preparing for Student Inclusive Conferences. See translations of the guide below.

Student Inclusive Conferences – Parent-Guardian Guide