This page includes basic instructions for using each Toy-Con, as well as some tips and tricks! Click the headers to visit each Toy-Con's individual page featuring even more information.
The Toy-Con RC Car comes with two separate RC Cars moveable with Joy-Cons on either side - and the Switch console acts as a controller for the cars.
Insert the left and right Joy-Con into your newly built RC Car and control its movement using touch screen controls on the the Switch. The HD rumble will vibrate to cause them to move in the chosen direction.
The Toy-Con Fishing Rod comes with a vertical-oriented Switch game that the rod is used to interact with to catch fish.
A fishing rod with an active reel attached by string to a cradle with the Switch. You can catch fish by casting the rod and unwinding the reel to lower the hook. The Joy-con will vibrate to indicate a fish is hooked - where you can tuck the rod upwards to complete the catch.
At first glance the fishing mini-game seems very simple, but as you try your hand at caching some of the bigger fish you will quickly realize it can be quite difficult. Here are some tips and tricks to help you reel in those ocean monsters:
Line Durability: Although it isn't immediately apparent, the fishing line has a limited durability, and when you've exhasuted it your line will snap, and you potential catch will make off with the bait. You can tell when "damage" is being done when you see your line start flashing. To reduce or stop this damage, create slack by unwinding the reel, leaning your pole forward, or leaning it in the direction the fish is pulling.
Fish Enrage/Exhaust: When battling a fish you will notice they alternate between fighting you and relaxing. For simplicity, I will call these two states Enrage and Exhaust. Exhaust is your prime time for reeling a fish in. The fish will sit docile, normally at the center of the screen, and when you reel in your line won't take any damage. After a number of seconds (varying by the fish) they will enter their enrage state, where they trash about, moving left or right. You can tell a fish is enraged because bubbles will be produced from their fins and they try and swim away. During this period you want to follow their movements with your rod, and let some slack (as discussed above). Try to avoid letting the line take damage, and wait for the bubbles to disappear. This usually happens as they drift back toward center screen. Once the bubbles are gone they are exhausted again, so start reeling!
Baiting Rare Fish: Most of the fish in the game will simply mosey right up to your hook and latch on, but certain rare fish (like the swordfish and shark) play coy before suddenly rushing toward the bait. When trying to hook a rare fish, simply sit with your hook idle at whatever depth you saw them at. Pull up and down slightly to avoid other interested sea creatures, and side to side to keep an eyes on the edges of the screen (they don't always charge from the middle). If you see them rushing in, get ready to pull as soon as you feel the vibration as the window is fairly small. Remain patient and learn each fish's pattern, and soon enough you will be hooking them with ease.
The Toy-Con House comes with a game for the Switch that shows the interior of a customizable house full of minigames.
By inserting assembled blocks into the openings in the Toy-Con House, you can interact with and play games with the inhabitants of the toy house. Each block is detected by the IR Motion Camera on the Joy-Con.
There are 4 types of blocks, the Button Block, the Crank Block, the Key Block, and the Cable Block. The list of interactions with the house is as follows.
The Button Block, when put in the side windows, activates a light switch that changes it from day to night and vice versa when the button is pushed. When inserted from the bottom, the Block will create a candy dispenser. By pushing the button, a jellybean will pop out, which you can feed to the creature to change its fur color.
The Crank Block, when put in the side windows, turns into a mobile. When the crank is turned, so will the mobile, which causes the creature to fall asleep, nodding off faster as the mobile is turned quicker. The block will create a flower like fan when inserted from the bottom window. Turning the crank will cause the fan to turn on, sucking in the creature and any food in the house.
The Key Block, when put in the side windows, spawns a faucet out of thin air. By turning the key, the faucet will begin to spill water out. The creature will take out an inner tube and float in the water. Turning the house will change the direction of the water and the way it pools up. From the bottom, a grabber appears. By turning the key, the grabber will pull a ball, which changes the wallpaper of the house.
The Cable Block has two parts, the plug, and the socket. The plug shows up as blue, and the socket appears red. When both blocks are inserted, the portals will open, causing the creature and any food to be transported through. By furnishing two Toy-Con Houses exactly the same way, and then plugging in two pairs of Cable Blocks, one plug from one pair and one socket from the other, into each, the creature and food will pass through both houses.
The Toy-Con Motorbike comes with a first-person motorbike game for the Switch, which is controlled by the Nintendo Labo Kit.
Insert each Joy-Con into an assembled set of handlebars to drive a motorbike on the Nintendo Switch screen. Pressing the ignition button will start the engine, and you can twist the right handle bar to activate the throttle - and turning the handlebars left and right control the motorbike.
Steering the motorbike is simple enough, but there are a few tips and tricks to push your best times even further:
Turn With Your Whole Body: Turning the handlebars is good for fine tuning your movement, but when it comes to tight turns you need to shift the entire Toy-Con. Lean into the turn with your whole body to cut a tight corner, just like you used to playing Mario Kart 64!