Bgca program plans template

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Staff practices header Drive high-quality youth experiences

Boys & Girls Clubs of America has developed a variety of resources to support high-quality programming. The Program Basics Planner provides full Program planning support, including access to our Program Basics Blueprint.

Refer to the Techniques below as elements to incorporate into your program sessions. Techniques include community builders, attention getters, collaborations, conversations, energizers, groupers and reflections. Each Program provided through Club Programs incorporates elements of a high quality session within its content. However, you wish to customize the session with techniques of your own choosing

Quick tools

Extra information

Find the Leader

Find the Leader

Say, “Today we will play a game called Find the Leader.”Gather al.

Group size

Community Builders

Descriptive Names

Descriptive Names

Gatheryouth into a circle. Ask,"Who knows everyone's name in this.

Group size

Community Builders

<a href=Youth and staff smiling, seated" width="442" height="240" />

Animated Story

Step 1Identify an area to be a stage.Say,“I’m going to read a sto.

Group size

Community Builders

Hand holding colored string.

Pieces of Me

Youth create a collage self portrait out of various material.Step.

Group size

Community Builders

Youth creating with string and beads.

Collage self Portrait

Youth create a collage self portrait out of various material.Step.

Group size

Community Builders

Youth together creating a project.

Our (Mixed Media) Scene

Youth create a collaborative mixed media scene.Step 1 Say, “We’re.

Group size

Community Builders

<a href=Youth and staff working on a paper project." width="442" height="240" />

Make A (Mixed Media) Scene

Youth create a collaborative mixed media scene.Step 1Say, “We’re .

Group size

Community Builders

Child smiling and drawing.

How I Shape

Youth invent and share a new shape.Step 1Say, “We’re going to exp.